DISTRICT LENDING LIBRARY: Some changes have been made for our District Lending Library. The Christian Life Chairman, Corky Rainer can be contacted directly for these resources. To find out more about these resources please contact Corky at: christianlife@lwmlmnn.org. She can also be contacted by telephone at (218) 784-2475. Thank you for your interest.
We encourage you to download this important resource. These bylaws were revised at the 2024 LWML District Convention.
LWML MN North District Bylaws (Rev 2024)
Bylaw Mailing Address
Zones and groups should send their bylaw updates and revisions to Karen M. Gorentz.
Karen M. Gorentz, Structure Chairman
LWML MN North District
31493 440th St
Vergas, MN 56587
2025-2026 Scholarship Application Form
This download contains the application and reference forms needed to apply for a scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year.
For Additional Scholarship Information contact:
Pam Stauty
7606 Rice River Road
Virginia, MN 55762
Additional Scholarship Offerings can be found by contacting:
Minnesota North District LCMS Office
PO Box 604
Brainerd, MN 56401
Phone: 1 (800) 482-5022 or 218-829-1781
2024-2026 Helps for Financial Officers
We have a new Financial Secretary. Download the updated Financial Remittance Form and her name/address will be on it. Also, new forms are being distributed at planning meetings and will be included in the 2024 Fall Packet.
2024-2026 Financial Remittance Form
The Electronic Giving program is available to members of the LWML MN North District. Now you can donate your mites electronically!
Joyful Response® is a free service provided by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). Personal or society mites can be directly transferred into the LWML Minnesota North District LCEF Steward Account. Seventy-five percent of the money donated is used for LWML Minnesota North District grants, and twenty-five percent is sent to national LWML.
This program can help societies and individuals plan and fulfill their mite donations in a timely manner. If a society does not meet during certain months of the year, their mites can still be doing the work of the Lord. The enrollment form is available here.
Joyful Response® Enrollment Form
If you would like more information on this program, please check out the LCEF website www.lcef.org, under financial planning or contact Financial Secretary Peggy Pasche or Treasurer Lois Sather.
Financial Secretary: Janice Carlson
Phone: 763-631-0399
Email: financialsec@lwmlmnn.org
Treasurer: Phyllis Sommers
Phone: 218-689-8237
Email: treasurer@lwmlmnn.org
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Lutheran Women's Missionary League, MN North District whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
Our District provides a monthly calendar to serve as a reminder for daily mite giving. Included on the calendar are daily prayer petitions to support the LWML and our mission grants selected at convention.
LWML Web Site
Visit the LWML Website at: www.lwml.org
LCMS MN North District
Visit the LCMS Website at: mnnlcms.360unite.com
Lutheran Island Camp
Visit the Website at: www.islandcamp.org
Downloading PDF files.
Downloadable files on this website are highlighted in purple and are indicated with a Adobe Acrobat PDF or a Microsoft WORD logo beside them. To view PDF files you need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download the latest version by clicking on the Get Adobe Reader icon below.
Saving files to your computer.
To download and save information to your computer, "Right Click" on the Form you wish to download and then "Left Click" and choose "Save Target As." Select the location and folder where you want to save the file and then click "OK".