Helps for Historians
Group and Zone levels—make sure someone is designated to keep important papers related to your level—bylaws, programs, important papers...
Regional Vice Presidents are collecting programs and minutes of the fall and spring zone rallies/workshops and regional rallies in their region. They will turn them into the District Historian, who will file this information.
If a church closes and they had an LWML group, the group records can be kept with the LWML MN North Archives at the MN North District Office. Contact our LWML MN North Archivist-Historian at
More information on our LWML History and Historian Helps can be found on the website by going to ABOUT/WHO WE ARE.
The History of Scholarships
At the first convention of the LWML Minnesota North District, action was taken to offer Ministerial Scholarships totaling $3,000 in the 1964-1966 biennium. During each convention since that time, larger amounts have been approved by the convention body, such as $15,000 for the 1978-1980 biennium, $40,000 for the 1988-1990 biennium and $65,000 for the 2008-2010 biennium. The overall scholarships total since that first convention is $805,000. These scholarships have been for students preparing for full-time church work, including pastors, teachers, DCE's, deaconesses, etc. In addition, scholarships have been offered for specialized study and would be in addition to the amount stated above. Watch the website for more information about the grants our mighty mites have funded!
Minnesota District: "The Beginning"
The Minnesota District of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League was organized in Minneapolis on May 19, 1942, and Mrs. Julius Deckman, Minneapolis, was elected president. Two delegates were sent to the organizational convention of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League held in St. Stephens Church in Chicago, IL on July 7-8, 1942. Those two delegates were Mrs. A. Rubbert from Minneapolis and Mrs. Al Bakke from Crookston.
The First District Convention was held at Concordia College, St. Paul, MN, on October 18-19, 1944, with a membership of 4,528 members and 130 societies. The first project was a grant of $5,000.00 for the construction of a portable chapel.
Second District Convention - Oct. 17-18, 1946, at Concordia College, 6000 members, 176 societies, total project amount $6,000
Third District Convention - Concordia College, Aug. 26-27, 1948, 8,493 members, 218 societies, total project amount $6,346, Mrs. Lawrence Gallman, Faribault, president
Fourth District Convention - Concordia College, June 15-16, 1950, 11,445 members, 270 societies, total project amount $9,348
Fifth District Convention - Concordia College, June 25-26, 1952, 11,855 members, 311 societies, total project amount $19,000. Because of the sudden death of the district president, Mrs. E. A. Dicke, Long Prairie, the vice president, Mrs. F. J. Seltz of St. Paul, presided
Sixth District Convention - Concordia College, June 23-24, 1954, 14,778 members, 342 societies, total project amount $29,100, Mrs. Albert G. Plagens, St. Paul, president
Seventh District Convention - Concordia College, Aug. 14-15, 1956, 16,100 members, 372 societies, total project amount $34,900
Eighth District Convention - Concordia College, June 24-25, 1958, 17,456 members, 381 societies, total project amount $52,700, Miss Della Wolf, Glencoe, president
Ninth District Convention - Concordia College, June 21-23, 1960, 18,482 members, 390 societies, total project amount $48,600
Tenth District Convention - Concordia College, Aug. 15-16, 1962, 18,814 members, 409 societies, total project amount $67,000, Mrs. William Buege, Minneapolis, president. A resolution was adopted to divide the Minnesota District into two districts: Minnesota North and Minnesota South LWML Districts.
Eleventh District Convention - Concordia College, June 2-3, 1964, 19,058 members, 418 societies, Mn South projects $45,500, MN North projects $20,000, Mrs. Lydia (Edgar) Bode, Wood Lake MN, presided and was elected president of MN North District Lutheran Women's Missionary League and Mrs. Helen (William) Morris elected president of MN South District, MN North District constitution, articles of incorporation and bylaws adopted.
Convention Themes 1964 - Present
Every two years we meet to elect new officers, adopt new mission grants, change and modify bylaws, but mainly to worship and gather together as women in mission, to support, uplift and share our lives in Christ.
Convention locations, themes and mite goals for the past forty-six years are listed below:
1964 Concordia, St. Paul "United in Christ" (Ephesians 4:1-6)
Mite Goal $22,000
1966 Bemidji "As For Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15)
Mite Goal $25,000
1968 Duluth "Let His Work Your Pleasure Be" (Isaiah 6:8)
Mite Goal $28,000
1970 Thunder Bay, Ontario "Great God, Here I Am" (Romans 8:18-23)
Mite Goal $29,000
1972 Morris "He That Heareth My Word and Believeth On Him That Sent Me Hath Everlasting LIFE" (John 5:24)
Mite Goal $33,900
1974 Moorhead "Bloom Where You Are Planted" (Solomon 2:10)
Mite Goal $35,000
1976 St. Cloud "Bring in the Sheaves" (Psalms 126:6) Mite Goal $50,000
1978 Bemidji "To God Be The Glory" (Philippians 2:11)
Mite Goal $50,000
1980 Thunder Bay, Ontario "Ever, Only, All For Thee" (Psalm 86:11)
Mite Goal $55,000
1982 Crookston "Grow, Glow, Go in Christ" (I Peter 2:9-10)
Mite Goal $70,000
1984 Duluth "Anchored in the Lord" (Hebrews 6:19)
Mite Goal $80,000
1986 Moorhead "Chosen and Challenged" (John 15:16)
Mite Goal $85,000
1988 Alexandria "God Creates, God Sustains" (Genesis 1:31)
Mite Goal $88,700
1990 Thunder Bay, Ontario "Bind Us Together" (Romans 5:6)
Mite Goal $88,000
1992 St. Cloud "Renew Us, Lord, as Living Stones" (I Peter 2:5)
Mite Goal $90,000
1994 Bemidji "Great Things He Has Done" (Psalm 66:5)
Mite Goal $92,000
1996 Duluth "Reflect the Lord's Glory" (II Corinthians 3:18)
Mite Goal $95,000
1998 Alexandria "...I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17)
Mite Goal $100,000
2000 Moorhead "Who Will Go and Work Today?" (Isaiah 6:8)
Mite Goal $110,000
2002 St. Cloud "Thousand, Thousand Thanks Shall Be" (Psalm 107:1)
Mite Goal $120,000
2004 Willmar "His Cross, Our Freedom" (Galatians 5:1)
Mite Goal $125,000
2006 Grand Forks, ND "Jesus Overflowing in You" (Romans 15:13)
Mite Goal $130,000
2008 Duluth, MN "Walk in the Light" (1 John 1:7)
Mite Goal $132,500
2010 Alexandria, MN "Come To The Living Water" (Revelation 22:17b)
Mite Goal $135,000
2012 Breezy Point, MN "Arise! Shine! Your Light has Come..." (Isaiah 60:1-3 NIV)
Mite Goal $135,000
2014 St. Cloud, MN "God Alone Is Our Rock" (Ps 62:1,2 ESV)
Mite Goal: $136,000
2016 Wilmar, MN "Heir of God's Abundant Love" (1 John 3:1a, NIV)
Mite Goal: $137,000