2022-2024 LWML District Board of Directors

Back Row L to R: Rev. Matthew Vrudny, James Wagner, Rev. Reed Stockman, Terry Schoenborn, Janice Carlson, Gayle Ruesch Clark, Karen Gorentz Middle Row: Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy, Kathy Steinmetz, Valerie Johnson, Jean Tester, Kathy Brandt, Marcia Wittenburg, Jolene Henning Front Row: Ruby Prochnow, Teresa Klatt, JoNette Brogaard, Mary Scott [not pictured, Carol Borchers]

2022-2024 Board of Directors Members - Executive Board

LWML District President

Kathy Brandt

Executive Vice President

Valerie Johnson

Recording Secretary

Terry Schoenborn

Corresponding Secretary

Mary Scott

Financial Secretary

Janice Carlson


Kathy Steinmetz

Vice President of Communication

Gayle Ruesch Clark

Regional Vice Presidents and Board Committees

Arrowhead I Regional VP


Arrowhead II Regional VP / Public Relations

Jolene Henning, Public Relations Chairman

Arrowhead II Regional VP / Church Workers

Jolene Henning, Church Workers Chairman

Lakeland I Regional VP / Leader Development

Carole Borchers, Leader Development Chairman

Lakeland II Regional VP / Scholarships

Teresa Klatt, Scholarships Chairman

Park I Regional VP / Mission Grants

Marcia Wittenburg, Mission Grants Chairman

Park II Regional VP / Structure

Karen Gorentz, Structure Chairman

Human Care

Jean Tester, Human Care Chairman

Young Women

Ruby Prochnow

Appointed Officers


Gayle Ruesch Clark


JoNette Brogaard

Information Technologist


Pastoral Counselors

Arrowhead Region

Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy

Lakeland Region

Rev. Reed Stockman

Park Region

Rev. Mathew Vrudny

President's Mailing Address

Kathleen Brandt,
LWML MN North District President
2099 County Highway 24
Ada, MN 56510
218-766-1135 (c)

Board of Directors Functions

The LWML MN North District Board of Directors (BOD) meets quarterly the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October.

Those in attendance at the BOD meeting include the following people:

  • Elected District Officers... To serve you in official roles as leaders in the LWML, who in turn encourage you "to serve the Lord with gladness." Psalm 100:2
  • Pastoral Counselors... To guide, counsel, serve, and lead us in the Word
  • Appointed Personnel... To maintain additional functions in the LWML organization in regards to archiving and history to publication for print and the web
  • Invited Zone Presidents... To observe and participate as leaders in the LWML
  • Pertinent Committee Chairmen... To utilize their talents in carying out various mission service