2022-2024 Biennium Mission Grants Status

$145,000 Mission Goal Reached! A total amount of $22,815.36 in Mites for LWML MN North grants was available this past quarter. The remaining grants are paid in full! The Board of Directors approved the payment of grant allocations as follows: $4,000 for Scholarships for Full-Time Church Work Students; $7,000 for DOXOLOGY Pastoral Care and Well-Being; $2,800 for Project 24, Christ's Care for Children - Kenya; $1,000 for New Shepherds for South Sudan; $6,200 for Connecting People in an inclusive Christian Housing Community. The chart below details the current balance remaining for the 2022-2024 biennium.

Mission Grants for the 2022-2024 Biennium (Balance as of April 9, 2024)
GRANT 2022-2024 Mission Grant AMOUNT BALANCE
# 1 Orphan Grain Train $10,000 PAID IN FULL
# 2 C.R.O.S.S. Appeal $18,000 PAID IN FULL
# 3 Scholarships for Men Preparing for Ordination $8,000 PAID IN FULL
# 4 Lutheran Island Camp $10,000 PAID IN FULL
# 5 Scholarships for Full-Time Church Work Students $32,000 PAID IN FULL
# 6 Swaddling Clothes $10,000 PAID IN FULL
# 7 "Main Street Living North" Ministry Outreach TV Program $10,800 PAID IN FULL
# 8 DOXOLOGY – Pastoral Care and Well-being $15,000 PAID IN FULL
# 9 Project 24, Christ's Care for Children –Kenya $10,800 PAID IN FULL
# 10 New Shepherds for South Sudan $7,500 PAID IN FULL
# 11 Promoting an Inclusive Christian Housing Community of Faith $13,700 PAID IN FULL

Mission Grants Committee

Mission Grants Chairman
Marcia Wittenburg

Pastoral Counselor
Rev. Mathew Vrudny

Committee Members
Glenice Hall and Mary Ann Bell

Mite Boxes Now Free!

You can now order the small (individual-size) Mite Boxes from the catalog on your own – and they're free. (Postage still needs to be paid.)

Medium and Large Mite Boxes are NOT free.

The Regional Vice Presidents may still have some "on hand" (for 10 cents a piece); let's use up their supplies first!

All About LWML Mites

Mite Boxes are used to collect offerings and donations for missions.

Twenty-five percent (25%) of the mite offering is sent to LWML for mission grants and the remaining seventy-five percent (75%) is used for your district's mission grants.

Mite money is used to further God's kingdom through the mission grants selected by delegates at district and national conventions.

Place your Mite Box wherever you can feed it: dressing table, office desk, laundry room, car, kitchen counter, etc. You might want to give a Mite Box to family members and friends.

Return your filled Mite Box to your LWML society.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving me all that I have. Bless these mites that I give back to You so that they can be used to spread the Good News of Jesus' love here and throughout the world. Amen